HTML Links
HTML Links - Hyperlinks
The HTML <a>
tag defines a hyperlink that you can click on to jump to another document. 通过点击超链接可以跳到另一个文件。
<a href="url">Link text</a>
- The “Link text” is the visible part and doesn’t have to be text.
标签将那个元素包围住。 - 记得在子文件索引后加一个 trailing slash 结尾斜杠,否则可能会向服务器发送两个request。Many servers will automatically add a trailing slash to the address, and then create a new request.
绝对 URL (full web address), 如:
相对 URL(local link) (指向站点内的文件) (without https://www….),如:/scripts/example.js
Links - Colors
- An unvisited link is underlined and blue 未访问的链接,下划线,蓝色
- A visited link is underlined and purple 已访问过的链接,下划线,紫色
- An active link is underlined and red 链接按下去不松开时,下划线,红色
The href Attribute
The most important attribute of the <a>
element is the href attribute which specifies the destination addresse.
属性 href 指定了一个超级链接的目的地.
创建一个 email 链接:
<a href="mailto:xxx@yyy">
The target Attribute
属性 target 指定在哪里打开所链接的文件。该特性不同取值的表现如下表所示:
_blank | in a new window or tab(在新窗口或标签里打开) |
_self | in the same frame as it was clicked (default) 在相同的框架内打开 |
_parent | in the parent frame |
_top | in the full body of the window. 比如本来webpage被锁定在一个框架里,如果链接的target特性值设为_top,点击链接后会 break out 这个frame,全窗口显示被链接的文件。 |
framename | in a named frame |
HTML Links - Create a Bookmark
在HTML文件内创建书签 to allow readers jump to specific parts of a web page.
首先在目标元素上添加 id 特性,
<a id="tips">Useful Tips Section</a>
<a href="#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>
<a href="">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>