HTML Quotation, Citation, Comments

HTML Quotation and Citation Elements

  • <q> defines an inline (short) quotation 该元素定义行内级的短的引用, browser usually insert quotation marks around the <q> element. 通常自动加引号把该元素包围起来
  • <blockquote> defines a quoted section, browser usually indent <blockquote> elements, 浏览器通常给该元素加缩进
  • <abbr> defines an abbreviation 缩写 or an acronym. 可用 title 属性显示完整拼写, 告诉浏览器、翻译系统和搜索引擎有用的信息
  • <address> defines contact information (author/owner) of a document or an article, 通常斜体显示, 大多数浏览器会在该元素前后加 line break
  • <cite> defines the title of a work 作品名 (e.g. a book, a song, a movie, a TV show, a painting, a sculpture, etc.) 通常斜体显示
  • <bdo> defines bi-directional override 用来重新定义当前文字从左到右(或从右到左)输出方向

HTML Comments

HTML中插入注释用 <!-- I am a comment -->, it will not displayed by the browser. 在debug阶段,可以把相关HTML元素放在开闭箭头之间。

Conditional comments

Conditional comments enable you to add a browser specific code that executes only if the browser is IE but is treated as a comment by other browsers. 条件注释使得元素中的代码只在IE浏览器下运行显示


<!--[if IE 8]>This is IE 5<br><![endif]-->

HTML <dfn>


1.如果有 title 属性,则它的title定义这个条款

<p>The <dfn title="World Health Organization">WHO</dfn> was founded in 1948.</p>

2.如果该元素包含一个定义了 title<abbr> 元素,则 <abbr>title 定义这个条款

<p>The <dfn><abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr></dfn> was founded in 1948.</p>  


<p>The <dfn>WHO</dfn> World Health Organization was founded in 1948.</p>

<noscript> tag

The <noscript> tag is used to provide an alternate content for users that have disabled scripts in their browser or have a browser that doesn’t support client-side scripting. 该标签旨在当用户浏览器禁止scripts或者浏览器不支持客户端脚本运行时,提供并显示可替换的内容。

The <noscript> element can contain all the elements that you can find inside the <body> element of a normal HTML page. 该元素可以包含所有那些适用于正常HTML页面<body>元素中的元素。
